Sagging skin along the lower jawline produces a jowl. This change is caused by a variety of factors including natural ageing, genetics, sun damage, weight loss, and smoking.
Generally, they begin to appear as we hit our 40s, but some people can experience sagging cheek skin from their 20s onwards. Jowls and loss of jawline definition are the result of a combination of anatomical changes that occur with ageing:
Increased skin laxity (looseness) due to loss of collagen and elastin
Loss of support in the cheeks due to fat pads melting away
Shortening of the jawbone which also reduces skin support
treatment for jowls
Frequently, we are able to make excellent improvements in the appearance of the jawline by using careful placement of filler in the chin and along the jawbone to replace the lost supporting tissue.
Sometimes the extent of the downward descent or jowl formation may be such that your best option would be surgery. Dr Fitzgerald will advise you as to the pros and cons of all options.
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